SJHS Young Ambassadors rule!

Our 2015 team of Young Ambassadors are representing St Joseph's through a variety of sports and organised activities across Newport and South Wales
Our 2015 team of Young Ambassadors are representing St Joseph's through a variety of sports and organised activities across Newport and South Wales.
In the new Young Ambassadors newsletter published this week, the St Joseph's Young Ambassadors team was given high praise indeed...
"On Wednesday 22nd April 5 Year 8 YA’s from St Joseph’s High School helped run this year’s Primary Schools Girls Cricket Festival run in partnership with Cricket Wales and Newport Cricket Club. 160 year’s 5 and 6 girls attended the fun packed day. The YA’s ran their own skills stations and umpired their own games with the pupils. They demonstrated excellent leadership, coaching ability as well as being great advocates for the YA programme through explaining to the pupils what they do as YA’s in their schools.
The YA did such a good job that Cricket Wales would like them back to help run the Girls and Boys Cricket Festival in the Summer as well as up skill them through running a Cricket Leaders for their school. Well done Tegan Waters, Natalia Shwartz, Martha Powell, Will Fraser-Grey and Callum Penn!"
Congraulations to all the students involved, and a big thank you to the 5x60 coaches and PE staff that help makes this team possible.