Lunar Challenge...

Next years GCSE Technology students enjoyed a taster of technological scientific learning last week, when they were set a project to make a working robot for a drive on the moon
Next years GCSE Technology students enjoyed a taster of technological scientific learning last week, when they were set a project to make a working robot for a drive on the moon.
St Joseph's were visited by Dark Sky Wales, who provided our Year 9 with an exciting challenge to inspire and encourage their interest in technology and its vast applications - to design, build and then programme a robot to travel on a determined route over the moon's surface.
The students were given an enormous box of specially design Lego, a programmable body and a computer - then let loose in teams for the whole day. They could look at a scale model of the moons surface with obstacles, boulders and even an astronaut to collect on the vehicles route...
Not a simple task! However, Dark Sky's were extremely impressed with our students and said they were "the most engaging and motivated students we have ever seen" and were particularly impressed with the students’ perseverance in meeting the challenges presented.
Well done Year 9.