SJHS @ Disneyland

SJHS Performing Arts in Disneyland, Paris
On 7th March, Mr Green led a trip with the Performing Arts Team, taking 60 pupils to Disneyland Paris on a school trip to show off their performing skills. On the first day, the pupils took part in a Performing Arts workshop where the pupils were expected to dance and sing.
They were working with professional singers and performers and all took part in learning choreography, singing techniques and performance skills in a workshop style. The professionals they worked with were very complimentary of their polite, engaged nature and their general enthusiasm for performing, even after limited sleep on the coach! On the second day, the pupils were able to meet with the Disney Performing Arts team and put on a choir performance of four songs: Sosban Fach, Skyfall, Use Somebody and You Will Be Found.
The Disney team praised their professionalism and their conduct on and back stage, and thought their singing was top quality (as did the teachers!). We are very proud of all the pupils we took to Disney and the way they represented the school was exemplary from start to finish.