On Thursday 26th May, our Sixth Form, in collaboration with Newport Live, St Joseph’s held a Colour Run to raise money for Papyrus.
On Thursday 26th May, our Sixth Form, in collaboration with Newport Live, St Joseph’s held a Colour Run to raise money for Papyrus. Papyrus is our chosen Sixth Form charity due to their work in young suicide prevention and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing for young people.
Just before the COVID pandemic, our school and Year 13 lost a talented and popular student and friend. As Year 13 are leaving for pastures new, we felt that it was important to help raise awareness within the Sixth Form in positive mental health and doing something that was fun, energetic and all in the memory of Brodie Morgan, under the banner #DoItforBrodie.
We were overwhelmed with the support of our school community and the numbers of students and staff who took part exceeded even our highest expectation. Students and staff all stood eagerly waiting at the start line before completing the 5k whilst Sixth Form students and staff covered us in paint powder. It was amazing! The students looked so colourful and following the pandemic, it was lovely to hear the laughter and the opportunity to come together as a community.
We raised over £2100.00 for Papyrus, an amazing cause.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Newport Live for donating the paint powder and medals, and in particular Amelia Warren from our Sixth Form for planning such a successful event. I hope that from the Colour Run, students will look back and smile at the fun had by all, but more importantly know that if they ever need to speak to someone, there is always a door open at St Joseph’s. Mr O James, Head of Sixth Form.