Operation Encompass

St Joseph’s will be supporting Operation Encompass - a shared priority for Gwent Police and all Gwent schools
Operation Encompass directly connects the police with schools to secure better Operation Encompass provides a set of simple and effective procedures which together enable police forces to efficiently and effectively communicate with the schools attended by children who have been exposed to domestic abuse or other forms of adverse childhood experience.
Early intervention and the provision of appropriate support in these events has a significant positive effect on affected children. It helps minimise the long-term effects and promotes positive outcomes for the child, the wider family and the community at large. Operation Encompass provides a proven and easily understood framework in which these incidents can be consistently and appropriately addressed and recorded. o are subject or witness to police-attended incidents of domestic abuse. Rapid abuse.
The Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner make the initial commitment to the Operation Encompass scheme, for which a member of the Senior Management Team takes on strategic responsibility.
An officer of appropriate responsibility is appointed as police lead to oversee implementation of Operation Encompass by the force, and to direct associated policies. This officer ensures effective delivery of Operation Encompass as directed by the Home Office and identifies the most effective method of communicating with schools ahead of the school day.
All schools will receive a call from Gwent Police before 8.30am to notify that there will be a young person coming to school who has witnessed Domestic Violence/Abuse the night before. This will enable schools to involve the right people, to give the right messages, to ensure language and tones are supportive and allow schools to provide the best possible bespoke care, support and guidance.
Pastoral leads and senior colleagues, whose responsibilities may involve talking to agencies and families, have been given notification and information regarding the initiative. In addition, all Heads of Year will display laminated posters in their windows to raise awareness among the student population. It will be our intention to promote this brilliant initiative via our multimedia streams. In the near future, whole school PSHE sessions will be delivered by tutors to raise awareness and provide links for pupils and families.
To support the information in this email please can I recommend visiting the following links
The force briefs every school's Designated Safeguarding Person - Operation Encompass provides the appropriate teaching materials. These briefings ensure that the highly confidential information the police supply to the DSP is treated with appropriate care and sensitivity, in situations which are frequently rapidly evolving. |
The force maintains up-to-date contact details for all DSPs trained in Operation Encompass procedures. |
All frontline officers within the force are fully trained in Operation Encompass - its purpose, when to apply it and how to apply it correctly. |
The force provides a letter template to schools, used to inform parents of the school's participation in the scheme. |
The force records the number of children supported and shares this data with the Operation Encompass charity. |